Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Mornings, Vitamins and Unfiltered Camels...

I guess in life we just want answers, and this time there may not be one. Is it like Christmas? Have I been naughty? I thought I had been really nice, and this is one lump of coal short of hell - but cancer doesn't particularly care so much about "nice."
So, I stare at my fridge and don't know what to eat. Does cancer like fish oil? Will it give the dreadly cells more sustenance to destroy my body? Does it like vitamin D? Now I'm afraid to be in the sun and afraid not be in the sun. Frankly this ice box trepidation sucks. Yes. I said "ice box." I also watched Lassie, Dobie Gillis and the Beav. Hey Lassie, is Sally in the well?
Before my dad died of cancer, he said he was gonna smoke any time he wanted and enjoy his life. I used to bury his unfiltered Camels in the back yard with a garden shovel. I can hear it now "Nim, did you bury my cigarettes again"? Yup.
He called me "Nimrod." Two years ago I looked that word up and it meant "slow-witted person." It made me laugh because my son Judd has always given nicknames to all of us too and (although he never met my dad) calls me "Nut." I'm beginnjng to see a pattern to my nicknames. He refers to his daughter Gwen as "Gwenola," Bruce is "Z," Rachel is "Gerkie" - and so on and so on. These names have no real meaning, but I definitely see a correlation between Nim and Nut. In high school, my yearbook refers to me as "Silly Sally." I have also always been a little "off" on following rules. I do the Ten Commandments but could always talk my way out of a garden hose with my tap dance and my soft shoe. I seem to be able to manipulate everything except speeding tickets, and if i get any more of those, I will be going to driving school by the Fall - maybe the bald head and the ashen-looking face will give me the sympathy vote for the state police. I'm trying to see the glass half full of chemo-drip.
Along with the medical marijuana, I am wondering whether a smoking habit (I've avoided for life) would be tempting at this point. Would it have changed any of this? I would certainly be putting a filter on my Camels. I have no idea how daddy ever smoked those. I'm sure glad he enjoyed them until the end and even though i won't be smoking, I won't be nearly as obsessed with cancer-causing things. I am sure that most of this advice is written by the LADIES HOME JOURNAL because doctors and the FDA seem to think we can eat just about anything. No more worries for me like exhaust fumes, talking on cell phones, eating bacon or charred meat, doing saccharin, worries over hair-color chemicals, chemicals in manicures, tanning at the beach or any other carcinogens. I may spend the rest of my life doing whatever the hell I want.
Hey Ben! Hey Jerry! Let's get it on. I have two more days of waiting for results, and I may book a trip in September to Cancun for my outrageous sunburn and my radioactive airplane ride. I'll be drinking diet Margaritas laced with bad Mexican water. I am free.
Re-sluts on Friday morning. Heart pounding, bated breath and throat-choking stress is putting it mildly.
Jesus and drugs rock the big one.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
― Hippocrates
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Barometer Soup

Schooling Santorum
By DICK CAVETTTruth be told, I’d planned on a lighthearted topic for today.
But in line with last time’s subject — the deleterious effect the news can have on your health — those threats to the blood pressure continue with no shortage of headache and stomach-acid-stirring topics to jostle our wellness, if not our actuarial tables. A few minutes of CNN this morning did it.
Just about any pair of random news items are enough to make you reach for the Bisodol. Today’s two: the stupidity of the Koran burning by American military personnel and our baffling, cowering impotence in the face of Bashar al-Assad’s bloody slaughter, in Syria, of man, woman and child — victims apparently not as worthy of our caring, or of life, as their counterparts were in Libya. You can get ill from this.
And there’s still Rick Santorum, alas. As Joan Rivers might say, “Please!!”
We learn from him that contraception is a sin. Giving birth (sorry) to the possibly rude question of how the Santori as a couple and as obedient Catholics managed to have only eight children over all those years if they didn’t … well, never mind.
Remember the “rhythm” method, humorously called “Vatican Roulette”? A friend of mine says he knows full well that he and his sister “owe our existence to it.” An apt name, roulette being the worst-odds sucker game in the casino: Let’s do it, dear. The odds are only 37 to 1 against us.
Maybe they cheated now and then. The thought might not have arisen were I not typing this shortly after one of the most soundly defeated incumbent senators in recent history spent part of his time at the — one dearly hopes — final “debate” reeling off the number of times he was forced to vote contrary to his beliefs!
We’re taught in early school days by our wise teachers and kindly parents that it is not nice to comment on or make fun of people’s appearance. But does Santorum look like a president?
Not that you have to be of majestic aspect, I suppose, but he’s really pushing it. When you think of Lincoln or F.D.R., to name but two, Santorum in comparison looks like someone who’d play a character called “Ricky” in a mildly amusing sitcom.
Try to picture Rick’s countenance Photoshopped into that famous picture from World War II, sitting in Roosevelt’s place, side by side with Stalin and Churchill in Yalta. It would look like two redwoods and a spirea bush. Is that bland Santorum visage suitable for Mount Rushmore? That would look like The Great Four and Pee-wee Herman.
The sweater vests don’t help.
My soul similarly rolls over and groans whenever Santorum uses the phrase “home-schooling.” I first heard about it in the dim days when the John Birch Society was a going thing. (Young folks, I don’t blame you for not believing that this organization held that President Dwight Eisenhower was a “conscious, dedicated agent” of the Soviet Union.) Some benighted McCarthy-admiring parents decided to pluck their children from the clutches of “commies” teaching our kiddies their godless doctrine.
I have lost track of distant relatives of mine, parents who also snatched their young kids from school and, for their remaining school years, stuffed them mainly with the Bible. (I’d love to know how they did on their SATs.)
I feel sorry for the poor kids whose parents feel they’re qualified to teach them at home. Of course, some parents are smarter than some teachers, but in the main I see home-schooling as misguided foolishness.
Teaching is an art and a profession requiring years of training. Where did the idea come from that anybody can do it? How many parents can intuit how to do it? (Pardon unconscious rhyme there.) My parents were teachers and the thought of home-schooling sent them rolling before they were in their graves. Especially when parents, complaining of their kids’ schooling, wrote in report card responses things like “I am loathe to critacize…”; “my childs consantration”; “normalicy”; “my daughter’s abillaties”; “her examatian grades”; “she should of done better”; “greater supervizion,” etc., into the night.
To deny kids the adventure and socialization of going to school, thereby missing out on the activities, gossip, projects, dances, teams, friendships and social skills developed — to deny kids this is shortsighted and cruel. I think of the mournful home-school kid watching his friends board the school bus, laughing, gossiping and enjoying all that vital socialization we call schooldays.
Besides, aren’t you arguably a better person for having gone to school rather than having it funneled into you by dreary old Ma or Pa in their faded bathrobes at home?
And what is the argument for it? For some, is it to protect their innocent ones from hearing words like, oh, “sex” and “contraception”? From forced association with those less desirable ethnically? Maybe it’s to keep them safe from radical notions like the idea that fossils and carbon-dating aren’t put there by the Devil to fool the scientists, but prove the world has billions, not thousands, of years on it.
Surely, there are parents caught in mediocre school districts with little choice but to give their kids the best shot at a rounded exposure to arts, letters, the sciences, and so on, and are admirably able to do so at home — thereby sparing them the teachers who can’t spell and who tell the kids, as in one friend’s case, that the band around the center of the earth on the globe is called “the equation.”
Who knows what sorts of fears haunt the minds of home-schooling parents? I guess it’s always possible, when Sally or Billy is walking to school, that a dark figure might leap out of the shrubbery, maniacally shrieking, “There’s climate change!”
Again, teaching takes skill and education and dedication. Home schooling as an idea is on a par with home dentistry.
- New York Times
Kale - the big dog
Friday, February 24, 2012
~~~Mahatma Gandhi~~~~
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Food glorious food...

Sugar feeds cancer. Meat eating is linked to cancer. Yadda Yadda. I'm trying to make this connection with nutrition, but I'm beginning to panic. I gave up booze, flour, sugar, trans fats, dairy, soy and all processed foods. I am a stinkin' food nun and eat to live so I don't faint. I've read and listened to hundreds of articles on cancer and lifestyle choices, but other than the things I can't control (like the Benzene on which my house rests), this is so, so different. Eating is such a pleasurable thing.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I like keeping it real. That is, of course, except with cancer and then I like keeping it behind my refrigerator. I thought I liked attention. You know… come over to my house. We can drink, hang out at the pool, and Bruce can cook you something fattening while we discuss my cancer. Let me tell you all about my week; my chemo; the burning sensation in my mouth, my constipation, the heartbreak of my oncoming death.
Cancer attention is not pretty. Everyone looks at you differently. They come over and sit around. They bring stuff to your house as if you are sick. Oh shit. I guess I am sick.
More cancer commercials. They even have one where some lady talks about her Lymphoma and how it came back stronger and almost killed her twice. Oh for godsakes, I am just sitting and having a nice vanilla latte and…
This was sounding like the Cancer with Emeril array of advertisements. I may puke. I mean… puke… some… more.
Then there were the support groups. I’m sorry. I am just not a support group person. I put out an FYI to all of my born-again neighbors that they could bring me wine and drugs. If they had any extra bottles of Valium or Xanax, I would be just fine even if the expiration date was a little off. No problemo. I was thinking of my future. I didn’t want their prayer chains, their bad casseroles with mushroom soup, noodles and a promise. I wanted to hoard wine and drugs for later. I figured with this kind of sensatitonal attention, I could end up with a decent wine cellar. There would be a later, right? I had a future. Didn’t I?
I will do this my way- with GOD, Rhianna, Marvin Gaye, my family, my friends, an appetizer of ignorance, an entrée of denial, a sleeping pill salad and a delicious sweet, creamy dessert of…
Gotta love Freddie Mercury in his tighty-whities.
Green Juice
Monday, February 20, 2012
The greatest choice...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
A little help...
You are probably the reason why you are sad. I'm not talking about mourning a death or a romantic break-up, but a general sadness. It may come from your past or a concern about your future. Sadness can come from something said to you as a child or something that someone did to you. It is your choice to stay sad and isolated. I understand clinical depression, but some of it may be self-driven and the more misery you indulge in the more miserable you feel.
You sail your own ship. Prozac, Valium and booze mask only the symptoms. If you are angry, figure out why. If you are lonely and bored - shame on you. There is an entire world of people, learning, exploring, and (yes) even falling on your face trying to do something new. Don't be one of those people who gets to seventy-five years old and wonders why they didn't play in a band, or plant a vegetable garden, or paint a picture, or take a class, or volunteer for a cause.
Oops, your life just passed and you forgot to do anything at all.
Many people are depressed because they have made their entire lives about dwelling on themselves and their negativity. They can't figure out why they are down all the time and yet they sit and watch mindless TV while talking about their neighbors and contemplating why life sucks so badly. If you haven't found the creativity or the joy... just listen to the giggle of a child. If you don't have one, go play with someone else's.
Life is about choices. If you insist on waking up every morning and being cranky with everyone around you.... know that it is driven by YOU. Let go of the past because the past isn't driving your damn bus now. YOU are. Quit worrying about the future because the future may never happen - you may die of a heart attack in one hour and fifteen minutes from now.
Think VERY carefully: how do you want to be remembered in this life of yours? Are you bringing joy and kindness to people or bringing them down? Do you make everyone feel sorry for you? Are you that needy for attention? Ask yourself why? You have the choice to THRIVE or to NOSEDIVE.
Thriving takes practice. It takes making a complete and utter fool of yourself to try something new. "No pain, no gain" is putting it mildly if you want to thrive in your life. CSI and Jersey Housewives on TV will not build your confidence or strengthen you mentally. It will not stimulate your brain and make you think.
Me? if I am not looking up at least three new words daily in my dictionary, I have had a bad day.
If nothing else, try the gym over Prozac... the endorphins will heal your depression and give you a purpose towards a goal. The other alternative to happiness is MUSIC. Listen to all types of music daily and (better yet) learn to play an instrument yourself.
(I am tired of excuses that you aren't coordinated... what a bunch of horse shit.) You learned to drive a car didn't you? Take guitar, flute, piano or violin lessons. Music enriches your soul and makes you a whole person.
Without it, you are missing one of the great healers.
Um Ba Ba be... Eh Day Da... Da Day De... Ee Da De Da de Da De Da Mmmmmmmmmm
S.W. Feldman, Tai Chi master (2013)
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dreams for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon... I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful be realistic to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal I want to know if you can see Beauty I want to know if you can be alone ~Oriah~ |
Saturday, February 18, 2012
11 reasons why gluten and wheat should be avoided
- Gluten causes gut inflammation in at least 80% of the population and another 30% of the population develops antibodies against gluten proteins in the gut. Furthermore, 99% of the population has the genetic potential to develop antibodies against gluten. Antibodies acting in the gut can actually be good news, because when the body doesn’t react against gluten right away, gluten proteins can enter the blood stream more easily, especially if the gut is already leaky, and trigger immune reaction elsewhere in the body.
- Since gliadin, the main problem causing gluten protein, can be similar in structure to other proteins found in tissues of such organs as the thyroid or the pancreas, antibodies against gliadin can end up attacking those organs and ultimately cause autoimmune diseases like hypothyroidism and type 1 diabetes.
- Gluten’s inflammatory effect in the gut causes intestinal cells to die prematurely and causes oxidation on those cells. This effect creates a leaky gut and a leaky gut can allow bacterial proteins and other toxic compounds to get in the blood stream, which can also lead to autoimmune attacks on the body. A leaky gut also means that food as not digested properly and nutrients are not absorbed fully, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
- Antibodies against gluten have also been shown to attack heart tissues and cause heart disease.
- Gluten has been strongly associated with cancer. It is potentially cancer causing, but at least cancer promoting.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Paleo antioxidant soup

Sweet potato lime soup recipe
Serves 4
- 3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks;
- 4 cups chicken stock;
- 3 thin slices fresh ginger;
- 2 lime leaves;
- ¾ cup coconut milk;
- ½ cup water;
- 2 tbsp lime juice;
- 2 tbsp cilantro, finely chopped;
- Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste;
- In a large sauce pan over a medium-high heat, combine the sweet potatoes, chicken stock, ginger and lime leaves. Allow the contents to come o a boil and then turn the heat down to medium-low and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender to the touch.
- Remove the lime leaves and maybe even the ginger if you prefer. I kept the ginger in, as I love the taste; however, if you are not a huge fan, you will find that leaving it in makes it very strong.
- Remove the soup from the heat and use a hand-mixer or a blender to blend the soup until completely smooth. Return the soup to a low heat and mix in the coconut milk, water and lime juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir well. You will know everything is mixed correctly once the coconut milk is completely blended in.
- You can remove the pot from the heat at this point and sprinkle the chopped cilantro on top prior to serving.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Hi ya ya ya....
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Take Me Back To The Sixties
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
my Friday night...
Friday, February 10, 2012
― Alan Watts
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Hot Nana and the suburban hooligan...