Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm OK. Thank God.

The doc said that the results were the best they could be. I broke down for the first time in months. Like... sobbing in front of him like a baby. He told me he needed a hug. (okay) I looked like I needed one. My cancer is not curable, he says, but manageable. It went from football to a pea-size. I have to go in for a chemo drug four times a month every six months for the next three years.

I won't be working again. Nice. I will babysit my grands, paint, write and play the piano. I will teach my babies how to play. I will contain myself from abusing the internet (lie), eating too much for fun, and making excuses not to work out when I feel perfectly capable.

Life is precious and I'm lovin' it.

Nonna is pretty darn happy. If it weren't for "Non's" -Hodgkins lymphoma, I might rule the world.

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