Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cancer: not so perky

Chemo poisons all good things in your body.
I am always tired.
I go work out and then sleep for several hours to recuperate.
My veins are shot.
My right side is completely numb.
I lost all my hair and it came back like a Brillo pad.
People use sad voices when talking to me.
My cancer doesn't go into remission, so it is a crap-shoot.
I shouldn't get too much sun due to chemo making my skin more sensitive.
I may die far too young.
The inflammation in my belly due to scar tissue makes me look kinda pregnant.
I am more sensitive to TV commercials which remind me hourly of my disease.
My energy level isn't stable so I can't work.
Traveling is harder on me.
I feel like an old person. It isn't the cancer... it is the chemo.
I think the chemo will kill me before the cancer does. Frankly, I know it will.
I don't know who to listen to sometimes... are the holistic docs right? Wrong?
Every symptom that I have makes me think it is more cancer... I had (just) a stye a few weeks ago... and cried for an hour.
The internet isn't my friend and I avoid looking up Lymphoma.
Statistics are so frightening. They don't give me more than five years.
People are inappropriate telling me my chances, and sometimes I can't get them to shut up.
I lose two whole months a year due to more chemo.
My goals have changed to hourly snipits of what I can handle.

I am super brave and have a good attitude, but would be lying if I told you I wasn't scared to death.


  1. If you focus on being alive, then dying becomes irrelevent. It's all about being busy living. Dying will just have to wait until you are finished living...

  2. Love you Sally! It's all right to be scared. Eyes forward!
