Okay - that was the last 2 weeks. I have decided to get over myself and move on. I feel terrific. Lost 25 lbs, and feel like I'm 40. I swam 50 laps and another 20 in a larger pool today. I played with the grands all day in the pool, and didn't even want to go home.
If I am dying I am not going to die in a bad mood. That just seems useless and a waste of valuable time. I trust my doctor, my blood pressure is 112/63 and I could run a few miles if it weren't for blowing out my ankle a few years ago.
I haven't indulged myself in self-pity for the last 6 months. I have been on the internet too much over the last 2 weeks and have been super depressed as I read the odds of getting past the next 10 years with this disease of mine. Exercise, to me, is the key to depression. I know this, and yet I sit on my butt and continue to worry about the future. Stupid.
I am bone tired tonight because I was running around all day long. I feel terrific and am glad to be alive. Woop. Woop.