Friday, July 29, 2011

perfect day...

Breakfast with Brenda, a little lipstick and a 90 minute massage. Ah, yes... life seems pretty good right now. I even went out without the ball-cap. I'm never dying my hair again.


Monday, July 25, 2011


Okay - that was the last 2 weeks. I have decided to get over myself and move on. I feel terrific. Lost 25 lbs, and feel like I'm 40. I swam 50 laps and another 20 in a larger pool today. I played with the grands all day in the pool, and didn't even want to go home.

If I am dying I am not going to die in a bad mood. That just seems useless and a waste of valuable time. I trust my doctor, my blood pressure is 112/63 and I could run a few miles if it weren't for blowing out my ankle a few years ago.

I haven't indulged myself in self-pity for the last 6 months. I have been on the internet too much over the last 2 weeks and have been super depressed as I read the odds of getting past the next 10 years with this disease of mine. Exercise, to me, is the key to depression. I know this, and yet I sit on my butt and continue to worry about the future. Stupid.

I am bone tired tonight because I was running around all day long. I feel terrific and am glad to be alive. Woop. Woop.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

good news/bad news

I have non-Hodgkins lymphoma. That is the bad news. The good news is: it can be managed until my bod can't take the chemo anymore. For now, the cancer remains and the tumor is a golfball, not a football - so the chemo worked. It remains to be seen if the golfball will dissipate. And so I wait.

My hair is longer every day. Fun.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

my coloring is even better!

C-Results on Friday! Funny, I'm not such a pink person but maybe all that has changed. As long as I don't start wearing jewelry with little hearts and ponies on it, I can try it out.

I took a 2 mile bike ride in 105 degree heat this morning. I rock the big one, baby.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

yo Pete

You are such a doll, but I can kind of see where she's is coming from - the blacker I get. My friend calls me Uncle Tom. LOL

I feel terrific.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I look like a little bald, black man. I've never worked on my tan thinking I might get cancer. oh well - I already have cancer so decided to just enjoy my pool as a recuperate. I have the whitest hair I've ever seen. I'm so happy to have hair but will be even happier to find out my petscan results next Friday. woohoo.

I love being so energetic. ahhh - life.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I'm supposed to be feeling better but depression has set in and my feet are stuck like glue in it. I'm going to try harder today to be me, but my life doesn't feel the same. I need to own it, and get out of the house and live.

I'm not bouncing back very well. Doc says that some people don't bounce back physically as well as others. I guess I am one of those people. I'm just very, very tired - and scared.

My shopping therapy is getting embarrassing. Kinda fun, though.