It hit me like a brick after two days why we Americans are so fat. Italians do NOT sit down, and I'd be a fool not to adopt this lifestyle. We drive everywhere and even try to get the closest parking space in a lot. Italians eat everything and line up for gelato like it is their job, and yet, they are the most gorgeous group of people I've ever seen. Style comes with the territory even at twelve years-old. This culture of people knows how to dress but having said that... it is far easier to dress a fit body then a chubby one. I ate pasta, had gelato every single day and lost weight there. One hour of cardio a day on some machine at a gym doesn't cut it. Getting away from the computer and walking (yes walking) to the grocery store every day may do the trick. I tried it yesterday but I may forget to do it again tomorrow.
Have I mentioned the bathrooms? First of all, they are difficult to find unless you plan on paying for something at a cafe. Perhaps this is why not going on a planned tour has its challenges... I'm sure most bus trips have pit-stops, but when you are on your own, it's impossible. We did sign up for a three hour tour of ancient Rome - a must-do at night... but there wasn't one single bathroom on the entire tour. At one point, I had visions of being on the national news for having been the first American woman to take a dump in an archeological dig at the Roman Forum. Holy.shit.
Cheap shot. Sorry.
Secondly, the bathrooms there are beyond filthy, and I'm not sure what that is about other than a) they don't care, b) they don't clean, c) it's the only way to tell us to get the hell out and don't come back, d) we have turned into over-civilized freaks who even need handwipes to go grocery shopping... god forbid we contract e. coli from the buggy handle. I am far from a germaphobe and yet, I ran through four packs of Wet Ones during a two week stay in Italy. The hotels were spotless, but the public restrooms were gross. Beyond gross.
Florence... just a beautiful city all around and other than the bad bathrooms.. it was just awesome. The art galleries are unsurpassed. I'm not much of a meat eater but the Tuscan steaks were to die for.. bloody.massacre.raw, but tasty.
The whaddya-need-now-bitches mindset towards us was surprising. The waiters were snippy. Period. I've had snotty waiters all over the U.S. but Italy not only gets the cake for rude, but gets a big, juicy, bitch-slap raspberry on top. We were so elated to experience the Italy I had remembered.
I don't think we will be back any time soon knowing that Italy has nothing on France's reputation for hospitality.
At least we had amazing food, great wine, met some great new friends from all over the world, and had a fun time together. That's something.
Prince blocks his version. :(
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