Monday, February 24, 2014

Hail to the Queen...

I'm in love with all things Nonnie, but being the grandmother to my son's children has a unique flavor due to the hand that rocks him - his wife. Even though I am a strong, accomplished woman, I'm finding that there's a definitive learning-curve to this new role. I must relinquish power, and relax. After all, my job is done. Santa has passed the proverbial torch, and a new woman has arrived with a smile on her face, art projects in tow, and a glass of wine in her hand.

After thirty-six years of being Mommy, I know too many things, but need to keep them all to myself. This takes practice and perseverance.


I've learned to take it in stride, enjoy the babies, and put my own insecurities where they belong... buried under my tongue instead of having a weak moment and spitting out my opinions all over their kitchen. It is a delicate balance in order to keep the real mommy happy.

Mommy is the Queen after all. I know this because I, too, sat perched on my throne for many years. Frankly? I've never been happier. I get all the adoration and none of the stickiness on my floor.

Ah... the balance makes me want to do the happy.

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