The Schwan man dropped off a catalog in our neighborhood and there wasn't one single thing in there that didn't have processed carbs or sugar. Pathetic.
Sugar feeds cancer, apparently, so it isn't in da plan. So, that means processed white carbs are totally out, and pasta is out. Not being a meat-eater leaves me limited to say the least, but I'm on it.
I walked the dog today which was a bit deal, and was in tears on Sunday because I miss working out so much. It is my hobby and I can see my arms losing muscle which is killing me. I bought a Malibu Pilates and sent it back - what a bulky joke; don't waste your money. I decided my dog is getting fat and I will be the only person in a tri-state area that will gain weight on chemo. Only me. I do yoga, which is challenging but with painters at my house and no shutters installed yet, I am in a fishbowl, so none of it is working. Bad enough that they see me sleeping, yet making a fool out of my own bald self stretching and groaning.
I included a nice photo of my Jim Jones fluid that they poured into my arm yesterday. Gross. It takes an incredible amount of mental fortitude to not go bananas on the poor nurse who gets me that day. Just had my 4th chemo so I'm getting to be an old pro - taking it without grimacing. I sat next to a man who was having his first and I just wanted to hold his hand and tell him my tricks to get through it. I wish I could tell him it wouldn't hurt, but I'd be lying. Here are my tips:
Take baths
Take your painkillers
Quit fighting to act normal - you can't and aren't
Drink water or you will be in trouble
Take a laxative or you will deliver a brick the first time out
Take a sleeping pill on your Predisone days or you will be awake the entire night
Do NOT drink caffeine on those days either (they tell you nothing in Indiana)
Shave your head early
If you need a wig - buy it the first week
Buy popsicles - natural if you can make/buy them
Your diet will be limited, so figure out some bland things you like and stick to them - no crying
If you begin to get emotional, take Xanax. It was invented for you
If you are a woman, it feels like when you came home for the first week... your body isn simply not your own
If you don't want company stop feeling guilty. I didn't on Easter and Mother's Day.

Are you kidding me, Mr. Jones? I opted out of my photo - I looked like a belonged in a coffin, so I just gave you my toes and my drugs.
Love you. Thanks for sharing you!