Tuesday, July 16, 2013


"love and doubt are never on speaking terms..."

Read this quote last week and it helped me to understand those discomforting relationships where you just.aren't.sure... you know what I mean.  Those snarky little comments that you analyze later with a...


Wack... they nailed you.

People like this blindside you with their own insecurities and before you know it, you've been dissed, offended and judged. Bam: the tailor-made bitch-slap.

There was a book I read once called the "Gift of Fear" by Gavin De Becker, which was written to (supposedly) save your life by encouraging you to listen to your instincts and not your learned civility. Dogs protect themselves instinctively and growl all the time, but instead of showing our teeth to the enemy... we (as evolved humans) allow the bastard dogs to hang around a while, make them coffee as they drag us down with their clever little comments and sinister tactics. Because they are professional bloodsuckers, they easily make us feel like shit. We cower. We begin to process the possibility of doubt. After all, we are polite and wouldn't want to offend such a good friend..

Make no mistake about it: love and doubt don't mix... If you doubt a person AT ALL, there is a reason...  My advice?


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