Every other "pin" on Pinterest is devoted to six-pack abs and Plyometric workout routines. The next pinning favs are thousands of fattening appetizers, entrees and desserts to make, thus deeming it physically impossible to attain those six-pack abs.
And I thought I was a contradiction.
Don't get me wrong... I'm feeding into this crap. I have kick-ass senior citizen delts to prove it. I'm one of those serial gym-rats where the car drives itself to the weight machines I've even made lame excuses to those who think I indulge too much. "I'm off the the library again. I'm headed to the dry cleaners." Liar, liar, pants on fire.
It's just my thing.
I do get that "good for you" look (because of the cancer) but they don't realize that I am just feeding an addiction that I got into in the early 80s when Jane Fonda and her videos emerged. My oncologist was flabbergasted when I asked if I could lift weights the day they inserted the picc-line in my arm last year. He looked at me as though I was mentally challenged. I digress...
Unlike the crazed Pinterest lovers of today, in the 80s we were definitely more active, and not into food. We ate because we had to do it to survive. Today, our culture is obsessed with fitness yet prone to gluttony. Now, we schedule our workouts, and sit in chairs doing Pinterest, TIVO cooking shows, and watch the Food Network.
All I know is that as a sixty-something, I should really be letting this go. I have to laugh when I think of my grandmother at sixty-two in her house-dress, rolled-down stockings and marm shoes. I should be reading the paper and eating a cheese danish.
But nooooo... I have illusions that I'm forty.
I think I'll pin this.
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