Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The rock is NOT good for my abs...

I go to Pilates on Mondays and Wednesdays. Who needs Spanx when you indulge yourself in this sort of bi-weekly torture. My teacher uses all classical music so I enjoy it even more although it is difficult to concentrate on her instructions for downward dog this or side plank that when I am trying to figure out which movement, sonata or prelude she has chosen. Being a former piano teacher has its annoyances for sure.

I was trying to do this godawful move. Lie on my side. Stack my legs one atop the other. Lift (yes) lift my hips off the ground and hold. Now, take my upper leg and raise it for ten repetitions while doing this. I wanted to cry from the pain.

Then she added this:

I was now far past the agony driving into my adductors and my obliques. This woman had intruded into my morning ritual and included the loss of my mother. This was my mother's favorite piece. By the time it came to 2:12 the tears were rolling down my face. Lucky the lights were dim. 

Ah, the agony and the ecstasy. 

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