Friday, April 15, 2011

great week!

Such a lovely week for feeling great! I started a regimen of juicing, and although it is a pain to do because of the clean-up, it seems to be the way to go with nutrition. I am feeling so darn energized from it. I haven't figured out whether it is psychological or physical but I don't care - I'm doing it.

I went out lunch twice this week, and have been walking every day. Tomorrow the kids are all coming in to celebrate my 60th since I'll be sick on the 27th - This birthday even sounds funny. 60? I do need to mature one day, and become a bonafide adult. I feel like eventually I will figure it out and listen to more appropriate music, and become far more serious. I don't think it is actually going to happen but I can dream, right? You know that serious adult voice that 60 year-old women use? I haven't mastered it yet. Being twelve still works for me.

Have I mentioned I love being bald? If it weren't for the social stigma, I would be bald forever. There is NOTHING like taking a shower with a bald head. Ahhhh!

Shake and go. I love it.

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